Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why have'nt we built the E.V. Gray Motor?

In the history of the "free energy" movement, the EV Gray motor holds a prominent place as the one engine to be proven to do what it was advertised to do.

That is:

1. To self run without externally recharging the batteries.

2. To power lights, televisions, and motors wound for it with "cold electricity"

3. To power a transmission for a car.

4. To power other generators without any external source of fuel.

5. To run "cold" with very little energy losses.

6. Runs Quiet.

In this Blog we will examine the "Grays Motor" and determine why we don't have this technology now and see if we can resurrect the motor to set man free from the energy cartels and the central power grids. So let's get started...

In the picture above you see Ed Gray showing one of his engines over 30 years ago to a group of investors. This is a complete running engine that could have been put into service at any time except for the fact he was experimenting more and more with these engines to see how much power he could produce and reclaim.

He had a deal with an experimental car builder to supply these engines for the power plant to set people free from dependence on oil and was courting NASA after the Challenger shuttle exploding on the idea of using this technology of repulsion electromagnetics for launching and powering space vehicles.

This is the power circuit diagram above courtesy of John Bedini from his lab notes in 1982 for the Grays motor with 3 rotor coils and 3 stator coils. Each set of coils is wired in parallel and then wired together in series running thru high voltage capacitors to collect the collapsing voltage to self run and power external loads. This engine runs off of 12v, 24v, 36v, etc..

As you can see this is a straight forward high voltage circuit except in the fact that "cold electricty" is extracted from the tubes to run the motor. Gray used a rotary commutator to fire the coils and spark gaps and to time the motor and also to recover the back EMF. This motor can be made as small or as big as needed to meet whatever needs you have.

Here below is the 1984 Diagram from John Bedini's lab notes on how to recover energy to a second battery with a switch between the batteries. When the first battery gets down to its C-20 rate then the motor switches to the second charged battery and then starts to recharge the first battery. This cycle continues, thus it self runs while powering external loads.

This letter is a review of the tests ran in 1973 by the Crosby Research Institute to verify the self running capabilities of the Gray's Motor.

There is more information on the E.V. Gray (E.M.A.) motor, but the info above should help you to get started building your own. Most patents are expired for this technology, so get going! Take control of your own power's right before your eyes!

More info can be found at:

Build these projects at your own risk!
We are not responsible for errors in the plans, diagrams, or instructions and
other people’s opinions on these projects!
Some of these projects deal with very high voltages!!
If you are not familiar with high voltages/amps we recommend that you
seek the services of a qualified licensed professional to help you!
High voltages can kill in an instant so be safe and learn
all that you can about high voltage safety before attempting these projects!
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